
About Brenda

I was born in Hamburg and grew up there. I always wanted to explore the world. So I have been travelling a lot: I lived three years in Sydney/Australia. Coincidentally - if there is such thing - I read an advertisment for the APA International Film School. It told me I could study "TV and Film Production". This sounded very interesting and since then I have been hooked on film!
I did study at the Film School and was involved in a lot of projects. During my studies I wrote my first screenplay - in English - and that was made into a film.

By 2010 I have now written three new sreenplays. I also took futher training from well-known screen writers such as Wolfgang Kirchner and Silke Cecilia Schultz.

In 2013 I attended the seminar "TV Series" by Gunther Eschke. I am developing two TV Series. I am looking for producers who would like to see something like "The Big Bang Theory" on German Television or Pay TV.

About brendascript

Here you can learn more about my thoughts and various interests. I am not a writer who sits in front of the computer for hours. I need the exchange, the communication with others. So I am really looking forward to your feedback, suggestions and ideas. I really enjoy working as a team and maybe with my next projects this may be possible.

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